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Prof. Salma visits the Centre, interacts with students

On 02nd December 2022, Prof. Salma Abbasi, the CEO of e World Group visited the African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things at the College of Science and Technology and interacted with ACEIoT students through a seminar on the Importance of Building Human Resilience in the Artificial Intelligence World.

Prof. Salma was impressed by the international character of the Centre and the particular major role that women are playing. Salma toured the recently acquired IoT lab and appreciated its uniqueness in the region.

Prof. Salma has met the Principal and faculty staff especially in the schoof of ICT and where she showed interest in collaborating with the college in different areas.

They discussed different areas of collaboration especially those that engage activities with female students to empower them with the skills and knowledge in emerging technologies. Joint research collaboration and joint events organization are other identified areas of collaboration.

Prof. Salma Abbasi is an internationally experienced senior executive and inspirational visionary leader, with more than 40 years of work experience in leading technology companies in Silicon Valley, London and Dubai.

Participants during Seminar presentation
One of the ACEIoT Student explains her Research Project
The ACEIoT Student explains her Research Project