Msc-IoT Thesis done

IoT-based Gorilla Monitoring System in Rwanda

Rwanda is an African country that has many mountains covered by forests. These forests are friendly homes to different animal’s species that make them a favorite environment for tourists. The most attractive geographical ecosystem is Rwanda’s national volcano park(NVP) forest, the place where mountain gorillas are located. Gorillas are among the animals that are mostly visited by tourists in Rwanda, and they are moving inside the large forest looking where there is enough food.

These displacements in such an environment complicate the guards and tourists to located them easily. In this research thesis, we provide a solution to determine the gorillas’ location in real-time using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The resources used include various sensors, Arduino microcontroller, ESP8266 module and communication protocols such as MQTT. Gorillas can be detected using different parameters such as their colors and height among others.