Msc-IoT Thesis done

IoT Based Toxic Gas Detection and Level of Landfill

As the world’s population grows, so does the amount of waste increased. The majority of landfill emits toxic gases into the environment and the people living near landfill. For the sake of safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the environment and people, efficient landfill management is required. According to the conclusions of the Literature Review, emerging countries continue to face issues in managing landfills due to the economic impact, new technologies necessitate new infrastructure, and even current technology requires qualified and knowledgeable people. As a result, an IOT-based Toxic Gas Detection and Landfill Level was built using ultrasonic sensor, gas sensor, temperature sensor to gather data from physical environment which is Nduba landfill and those data are being processed by microcontroller and are transferred to the Adafruit IO Cloud Service using wifi. Then TwilioSms Application Programming interface send text messaging of status of Nduba Landfill to the concerned Persons. The goal of the thesis is to improve the management of the NDUBA Landfill in the GASABO District. This goal is reached through the use of qualitative methods in the research thesis. The results obtained would be helpfully to reach on Sustainable Development Goals like Good health and well-being of the people, clean water and Sanitation and Climate Action.


Toxic Gas Detection, Landfill Level Prediction, IOT Cloud Platform and Notification System