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High school students visit the ACEIoT Centre, STEMPower Centre

On July 7th 2023, students from Saint Marie Reine de Kabgayi in Muhanga District and & Centre des Jeunes Sourds-Muets in Huye District paid a visit to the African Centre of Excellence in Internet of Things and our recently launched STEMPower Centre to hear about the programs we are running and the facilities available for their inspiration.

These students are from the upper level pursuing different IT-related combinations.
While touring the recently acquired IoT lab, Students were taken through different projects which were designed using different equipment found in the lab. They were briefed on how through the lab, an idea is developed to a prototype which later becomes a product for commercialization.

Ntwari Jackson, one of the students said the visit was informative. “I used to learn different coding skills but without knowing where to apply them. Now, I visited the IoT lab and heard that with these coding skills, the lab can help me develop an idea that I may have in my mind”, he said.

Students also visited the STEMPower, a facility which is designed to provide a diverse range of resources and opportunities for individuals to engage with STEM fields and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed.

These students got the opportunity to pay a courtesy visit to National Industrial Research and Development Agency (NIRDA) Fablab and heard about innovative projects being developed and supported.