Water usage Prediction Using Automated Home Garden Watering System

The automatic systems are more chosen than manual system. Smart watering system in garden is the combination of several hardware equipment and software applications that trigger the water usage (...)

Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Diabetes Remote Monitoring System

Real time remote diabetes monitoring aimed at detecting blood glucose level with Internet of Things (IoT) Technology. It is a self-diabetes management system intended to perceive the (...)

Crop Conditions Monitoring using IoT and Transfer Learning

Food insecurity is a huge problem affecting developing countries particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The ability to collect data in resolution and field wide in precision agriculture has (...)

Design and Implementation of Smart Energy Monitoring and Control System for Traditional factories

The demand for electric energy has escalated in households and industries with the use of different electric and electronic loads day in and out. This has uplifted a concern to be addressed to (...)

Smart Car Parking System in Rwanda

This dissertation discusses smart car parking system in Rwanda using IOT based technology. Rwanda is the country that needs to be smart in different domains like in agriculture, health and (...)